#4 | मनुष्यता - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त - स्पर्श | Manushyata - Maithili Sharan Gupt - Sparsh textbook || CBSE Grade 10 - Hindi Course B
Click/tap here to go back to index. 1 विचार लो कि मर्त्य हो न मृत्यु से डरो कभी, Everyone must know that everyone will have an end, but you don't need to be afraid. मरो, परंतु यों मरो कि याद जो करें सभी। Live your life, and then die in a way that people remember you for your good work, helpfulness, etc. हुई न यों सुमृत्यु तो वृथा मरे, वृथा जिए, Who does not do such good things had lived a wasteful life and had a wasteful death. मरा नहीं वही कि जो जिया न आपके लिए। The person who has lived for others will not be dead (forgotten) even after he dies. वही पशु-प्रवृत्ति है कि आप आप ही चरे, The one who cares only about himself and nobody else is just following an animal-like behaviour (or Animal-Instinct). वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। But the one who lives their life for others and worries about them is the true human. 2 उसी उदार की कथा सरस्व...