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#4 | मनुष्यता - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त - स्पर्श | Manushyata - Maithili Sharan Gupt - Sparsh textbook || CBSE Grade 10 - Hindi Course B

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1विचार लो कि मर्त्य हो न मृत्यु से डरो कभी,Everyone must know that everyone will have an end, but you don't need to be afraid.
मरो, परंतु यों मरो कि याद जो करें सभी।Live your life, and then die in a way that people remember you for your good work, helpfulness, etc.
हुई न यों सुमृत्यु तो वृथा मरे, वृथा जिए,Who does not do such good things had lived a wasteful life and had a wasteful death.
मरा नहीं वही कि जो जिया न आपके लिए।The person who has lived for others will not be dead (forgotten) even after he dies.
वही पशु-प्रवृत्ति है कि आप आप ही चरे,The one who cares only about himself and nobody else is just following an animal-like behaviour (or Animal-Instinct).
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।But the one who lives their life for others and worries about them is the true human.
2उसी उदार की कथा सरस्वती बखानती,The Goddess of Knowledge (Saraswati) praises the life and story of the one who is generous. In other words, all the books praise the life story of that great person.
उसी उदार से धरा कृतार्थ भाव मानती।The Earth shows/expresses its gratitude to those who are generous and helpful to others.
उसी उदार की सदा सजीव कीर्ति कूजती;The fame of the person who had died for others will be compared to the living.
तथा उसी उदार को समस्त सृष्टि पूजती।The entire world will worship those people who have been generous and had died for others.
अखंड आत्म भाव जो असीम विश्व में भरे,The one who spreads the thoughts and values of Unbreakableness (unitedness) and Brotherhood, [contd]
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।[contd] he is the one who can be suitably said as a true human.
3क्षुधार्त रंतिदेव ने दिया करस्थ थाल भी,Rantideva, who was very troubled due to hunger, had donated his last meal to someone. []
तथा दधीचि ने दिया परार्थ अस्थिजाल भी।Dadhichi had given all of his body's bones for a weapon to be made with them. []
उशीनर क्षितीश ने स्वमांस दान भी किया,King Shibi had donated his meat, his skin. [Story: he offers his own skin/meat to an eagle, in order to prevent it from eating a pigeon]
सहर्ष वीर कर्ण ने शरीर-चर्म भी दिया।Karna had given his natural armour, the Kavach, happily. [Story: Karna was born with a natural armour on his chest, wrist, etc which gave him powers. During wars, he had happily donated his Kavach, the armour, to Krishna in disguise]
अनित्य देह के लिए अनादि जीव क्या डरे?Why is the human scared of his body, when he knows that his body is only mortal (comes to an end)?
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।The one who sacrifices his own life and dedicates it for others, is the true human.
4सहानुभूति चाहिए, महाविभूति है यही;Every person must have the knowledge and thought of Daya and Karuna in their minds.
वशीकृता सदैव है बनी हुई स्वयं मही।And those who keep Daya and Karuna in their minds, God will help them.
विरफ़द्धवाद बुद्ध का दया-प्रवाह में बहा,The people who were against Buddha, are now following Buddha's principles.
विनीत लोकवर्ग क्या न सामने झुका रहा?All the generous people will bow down before Him.
अहा! वही उदार है परोपकार जो करे,Aha! The compassionate one is the one who does charity and offers favour.
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।Because the one who cares for others' wellbeing is the true human being.
5रहो न भूल के कभी मदांध तुच्छ वित्त में,Don't ever forget that you must never boast or have pride over whatever wealth you have.
सनाथ जान आपको करो न गर्व चित्त में।Make sure that you don't develop pride and vanity that you have your loved ones with you.
अनाथ कौन है यहाँ? त्रिलोकनाथ साथ हैं,In this world, who is an orphan? There is no such orphan because God is with everyone.
दयालु दीनबंधु के बड़े विशाल हाथ हैं।The kind Almighty has such vast hands that He can include every single being with Himself, without discriminating anyone.
अतीव भाग्यहीन है अधीर भाव जो करे,The one who has extreme fatelessness is the one who is the most harsh and impatient mind.
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।Because the one who cares for others' wellbeing and is always ready to help is the true human being.
6अनंत अंतरिक्ष में अनंत देव हैं खड़े,In the endless sky, there stand the numerous Gods.
समक्ष ही स्वबाहु जो बढ़ा रहे बड़े-बड़े।The reason being that they stand with open arms to welcome the people who had been generous and philanthropic.
परस्परावलंब से उठो तथा बढ़ो सभी,Be the support of others, and in that process take yourself forward as well.
अभी अमर्त्य-अंक में अपंक हो चढ़ो सभी।If you don't do anything wrong in your life, then even God will allow you to stay with Him.
रहो न यों कि एक से न काम और का सरे,You should never help someone just for the reason that they will be useful to you later.
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।Because the true human is he who helps others and is compassionate about others' welfare.
7‘मनुष्य मात्र बंधु है’ यही बड़ा विवेक है,It is this important understanding you should have that "Humans are only brothers, after all.".
पुराणपुरफ़ष स्वयंभू पिता प्रसिद्ध एक है।The self-born/self-made Father of us all is none other than God.
फलानुसार कर्म के अवश्य बाह्य भेद हैं,According to everyone's Karma, the fruit/result of everyone is different, which could be due to external reasons.
परंतु अंतरैक्य में प्रमाणभूत वेद हैं।But the Vedas are the true witness that every soul in this world is together and one.
अनर्थ है कि बंधु ही न बंधु की व्यथा हरे,If the brother (person) cannot prevent the difficulties of his own brother (another person), his life is of no use and they cannot be called as brothers.
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।Because a true human is he who can help the others.
8चलो अभीष्ट मार्ग में सहर्ष खेलते हुए,The path of life which a person has chosen must be travelled with their own happiness.
विपत्ति, विघ्न जो पडे़ं उन्हें ढकेलते हुए।But, if any obstacle or hindrance comes in the way, then the person must push them away and move forward.
घटे न हेलमेल हाँ, बढ़े न भिन्नता कभी,The togetherness between each other must never decrease, and the differences/discrimination between each other must never increase.
अतर्क एक पंथ के सतर्क पंथ हों सभी।Like how an attentive and careful traveller travels with others, you must also keep away the illogical arguments and proceed together in your path.
तभी समर्थ भाव है कि तारता हुआ तरे,You have to take care of others' welfare as well as your welfare, because only then it is possible that…
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।।… that a person who cares for self and others is a true human being.

Very useful links (external sources):

  1. Hindi explanation of Manushyata by SuccessCDs (which I used to find the meanings for each line)
  2. Walkman-Chanakya 905” font (NCERT textbook PDF font) to Unicode characters (true Hindi text) converter (which I used to put up the Hindi lines above)
  3. [PDF] The actual PDF of the chapter from the NCERT Hindi textbook — it's a direct link to NCERT website

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