#4 | मनुष्यता - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त - स्पर्श | Manushyata - Maithili Sharan Gupt - Sparsh textbook || CBSE Grade 10 - Hindi Course B
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Search keywords: sparsh grade 10 hindi course b cbse ncert padhya padh padhy maithileesharan maithili sharan gupt gupta manushyata manushyataa explanation poem meaning english
1 | विचार लो कि मर्त्य हो न मृत्यु से डरो कभी, | Everyone must know that everyone will have an end, but you don't need to be afraid. |
मरो, परंतु यों मरो कि याद जो करें सभी। | Live your life, and then die in a way that people remember you for your good work, helpfulness, etc. | |
हुई न यों सुमृत्यु तो वृथा मरे, वृथा जिए, | Who does not do such good things had lived a wasteful life and had a wasteful death. | |
मरा नहीं वही कि जो जिया न आपके लिए। | The person who has lived for others will not be dead (forgotten) even after he dies. | |
वही पशु-प्रवृत्ति है कि आप आप ही चरे, | The one who cares only about himself and nobody else is just following an animal-like behaviour (or Animal-Instinct). | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | But the one who lives their life for others and worries about them is the true human. | |
2 | उसी उदार की कथा सरस्वती बखानती, | The Goddess of Knowledge (Saraswati) praises the life and story of the one who is generous. In other words, all the books praise the life story of that great person. |
उसी उदार से धरा कृतार्थ भाव मानती। | The Earth shows/expresses its gratitude to those who are generous and helpful to others. | |
उसी उदार की सदा सजीव कीर्ति कूजती; | The fame of the person who had died for others will be compared to the living. | |
तथा उसी उदार को समस्त सृष्टि पूजती। | The entire world will worship those people who have been generous and had died for others. | |
अखंड आत्म भाव जो असीम विश्व में भरे, | The one who spreads the thoughts and values of Unbreakableness (unitedness) and Brotherhood, [contd] | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | [contd] he is the one who can be suitably said as a true human. | |
3 | क्षुधार्त रंतिदेव ने दिया करस्थ थाल भी, | Rantideva, who was very troubled due to hunger, had donated his last meal to someone. [https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/a/6728] |
तथा दधीचि ने दिया परार्थ अस्थिजाल भी। | Dadhichi had given all of his body's bones for a weapon to be made with them. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dadhichi] | |
उशीनर क्षितीश ने स्वमांस दान भी किया, | King Shibi had donated his meat, his skin. [Story: he offers his own skin/meat to an eagle, in order to prevent it from eating a pigeon] | |
सहर्ष वीर कर्ण ने शरीर-चर्म भी दिया। | Karna had given his natural armour, the Kavach, happily. [Story: Karna was born with a natural armour on his chest, wrist, etc which gave him powers. During wars, he had happily donated his Kavach, the armour, to Krishna in disguise] | |
अनित्य देह के लिए अनादि जीव क्या डरे? | Why is the human scared of his body, when he knows that his body is only mortal (comes to an end)? | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | The one who sacrifices his own life and dedicates it for others, is the true human. | |
4 | सहानुभूति चाहिए, महाविभूति है यही; | Every person must have the knowledge and thought of Daya and Karuna in their minds. |
वशीकृता सदैव है बनी हुई स्वयं मही। | And those who keep Daya and Karuna in their minds, God will help them. | |
विरफ़द्धवाद बुद्ध का दया-प्रवाह में बहा, | The people who were against Buddha, are now following Buddha's principles. | |
विनीत लोकवर्ग क्या न सामने झुका रहा? | All the generous people will bow down before Him. | |
अहा! वही उदार है परोपकार जो करे, | Aha! The compassionate one is the one who does charity and offers favour. | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | Because the one who cares for others' wellbeing is the true human being. | |
5 | रहो न भूल के कभी मदांध तुच्छ वित्त में, | Don't ever forget that you must never boast or have pride over whatever wealth you have. |
सनाथ जान आपको करो न गर्व चित्त में। | Make sure that you don't develop pride and vanity that you have your loved ones with you. | |
अनाथ कौन है यहाँ? त्रिलोकनाथ साथ हैं, | In this world, who is an orphan? There is no such orphan because God is with everyone. | |
दयालु दीनबंधु के बड़े विशाल हाथ हैं। | The kind Almighty has such vast hands that He can include every single being with Himself, without discriminating anyone. | |
अतीव भाग्यहीन है अधीर भाव जो करे, | The one who has extreme fatelessness is the one who is the most harsh and impatient mind. | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | Because the one who cares for others' wellbeing and is always ready to help is the true human being. | |
6 | अनंत अंतरिक्ष में अनंत देव हैं खड़े, | In the endless sky, there stand the numerous Gods. |
समक्ष ही स्वबाहु जो बढ़ा रहे बड़े-बड़े। | The reason being that they stand with open arms to welcome the people who had been generous and philanthropic. | |
परस्परावलंब से उठो तथा बढ़ो सभी, | Be the support of others, and in that process take yourself forward as well. | |
अभी अमर्त्य-अंक में अपंक हो चढ़ो सभी। | If you don't do anything wrong in your life, then even God will allow you to stay with Him. | |
रहो न यों कि एक से न काम और का सरे, | You should never help someone just for the reason that they will be useful to you later. | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | Because the true human is he who helps others and is compassionate about others' welfare. | |
7 | ‘मनुष्य मात्र बंधु है’ यही बड़ा विवेक है, | It is this important understanding you should have that "Humans are only brothers, after all.". |
पुराणपुरफ़ष स्वयंभू पिता प्रसिद्ध एक है। | The self-born/self-made Father of us all is none other than God. | |
फलानुसार कर्म के अवश्य बाह्य भेद हैं, | According to everyone's Karma, the fruit/result of everyone is different, which could be due to external reasons. | |
परंतु अंतरैक्य में प्रमाणभूत वेद हैं। | But the Vedas are the true witness that every soul in this world is together and one. | |
अनर्थ है कि बंधु ही न बंधु की व्यथा हरे, | If the brother (person) cannot prevent the difficulties of his own brother (another person), his life is of no use and they cannot be called as brothers. | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | Because a true human is he who can help the others. | |
8 | चलो अभीष्ट मार्ग में सहर्ष खेलते हुए, | The path of life which a person has chosen must be travelled with their own happiness. |
विपत्ति, विघ्न जो पडे़ं उन्हें ढकेलते हुए। | But, if any obstacle or hindrance comes in the way, then the person must push them away and move forward. | |
घटे न हेलमेल हाँ, बढ़े न भिन्नता कभी, | The togetherness between each other must never decrease, and the differences/discrimination between each other must never increase. | |
अतर्क एक पंथ के सतर्क पंथ हों सभी। | Like how an attentive and careful traveller travels with others, you must also keep away the illogical arguments and proceed together in your path. | |
तभी समर्थ भाव है कि तारता हुआ तरे, | You have to take care of others' welfare as well as your welfare, because only then it is possible that… | |
वही मनुष्य है कि जो मनुष्य के लिए मरे।। | … that a person who cares for self and others is a true human being. |
Very useful links (external sources):
- Hindi explanation of Manushyata by SuccessCDs (which I used to find the meanings for each line)
- “Walkman-Chanakya 905” font (NCERT textbook PDF font) to Unicode characters (true Hindi text) converter (which I used to put up the Hindi lines above)
- [PDF] The actual PDF of the chapter from the NCERT Hindi textbook — it's a direct link to NCERT website
Search keywords: sparsh grade 10 hindi course b cbse ncert padhya padh padhy maithileesharan maithili sharan gupt gupta manushyata manushyataa explanation poem meaning english
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